Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Return!

Hey Nerds!

There's been so much going on in world Nerd Thug we've been super busy, but not so busy that we aren't working on the things you care about!

The newest edition of the Wrestling Report came out on Sports Map, check it out here.

Don't forget to check out Monday's Nerd Thug Radio. Nico and I held down the fort and kicked off the episode talking about Evil Twins.  What?!


This week I got a twofer for you, check out House of M: Warzones and Uncanny X-Men: Revolutions.  The Secret Wars Battleworld tie-in, House of M sees Cullen Bunn continue the journey of a few of his characters he's been writing during his tenure at Marvel including Deathlockette.  Great art, fun story, it's worth a read.

Speaking of great art, one of my ALL TIME FAVORITES, Chris Bachalo teams with another of my ALL TIME FAVORITES Brian Michael Bendis, and one of my favorite properties, X-Men?!  This is crazy!  Check it out.