Hello world!!
It is both my pleasure and joy to welcome you to my corner of the internet, thanks for checking out my blog here on the Nerd Thug Radio website. (If you're reading this somewhere else please, please, please check out www.nerdthugradio.com)
The basic idea here is that it ain't easy being nerdy and sometimes you just want to try something out and you don't know what's good and aren't looking to get crazy with the cheddar, or bread or whatever food you use to describe your monies.
So all that being said, here's a few things I recommend checking out for $10 bucks or cheaper (not including shipping) from the web!!
Thing #1!!
So here's the deal, I recognize that this will put you in the middle of a story, and I hate to be the guy who recommends that, but this one has a lot of the action in it, as the first few issues were one part stage setting and one part action, this is two parts action and one part story continuing. Besides, like you don't know what happens in everything X-Force?
Oh, you don't? Well anything from the first two volumes of the relaunched X-Force is a must read, you get me, a MUST read, so read it. You must.
Thing #2!
So this is an old school one shot special that comics used to do from time to time, like annuals (man, remember those?!). This one is a cool one that features each member of Excalibur taking on one aspect of this little adventure that involves some fun crazy science and requires Captain Britain going all Ghostbusters and "crossing the streams" and Nightcrawler going crazy with some serious bamfing on a robot thing, and Kitty Pryde tries to solve for "carrot". Are you not entertained? Trust me it's old school fun.
This one I would ask the seller some questions before checking them out, because I don't remember anything about that particular X-Men vs Excalibur barn burner there, but that Excalibur mojo verse thing I remember, it was another one of those one shot specials and it's great! Essentially that guy on the cover is like an agent of some kind trying to get your signature on a contract, if you sign his papers, he absorbs you and gains your powers. Hello hollywood metaphor!! (oh that sounds like a band name!)
Anyway Kitty Pryde plus X-babies plus Mojo mayhem equals, you buy. You know, if that's what this dude is actually selling. Which it looks like, but I dunno.
Anywho this has been a public service from Cory DLG of Nerd Thug Radio, helping you guys nerd on a budget, you feel me? Shop at your own discretion, all purchases are final and as always keep your hands, feet and children to yourself at all times.