Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Putting in the work.

Hey Nerds!

It's important to remember on days like today where I honestly just feel "blah", I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to write this blog, I didn't want to work on everything I'm doing these days (more to come on this later), but no matter what, you gotta get up and put in the work, even when you don't want to.  Don't lose a day you'll wish you had down the road.


So I just finished season 2 of Runaways, on Hulu.  It's good, but I can see where this show teeters with falling off the rails.  If you're a casual fan, if you aren't interested in comic stuff, this show starts to drift into the realm of unwatchable, they have a lot going on.  They got witches, aliens, shape shifters, super science tech, hacking, evil non profits that work for a rogue alien hell bent on destroying the world...  There's a lot and this finale makes it obvious there will be even more to come, but I enjoyed it, the kids nailed it and there's a ton of great music and moments in this show!

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